Centre de presse

  • Neglecting Candidate Experience: A Costly Mistake

    Hiring and keeping top talent for hourly positions is harder than ever. Your recruitment experience matters. When candidates feel unappreciated or disrespected during the hiring process, they don’t just walk away silently. They share their experiences on social media, review sites, and within their networks, intensifying the impact of a single negative encounter. Nowadays, word…

  • Attract More Hourly Candidates: Use Multiple Channels

    Hourly Recruitment is characterized by being high-volume. Are you doing enough to attract candidates? When hiring hourly workers, businesses often need many people to apply. However, recruiters miss out on many potential workers by only using one way to find candidates– for example, a single job board or a sign in a storefront or restaurant. …

  • Ce que les candidats recherchent : Focus Group

    The retail, restaurant, and hospitality industries present unique challenges for job seekers, and Wirkn is committed to improving matchmaking between employers and candidates. In our previous Focus Group video, we explored the challenges job seekers encounter during their search (If you haven’t already, check it out here!). Now, in the second part of our Focus…

  • L'embauche en première ligne : Focus group 

    In today’s rapidly evolving job market, understanding young job seekers’ perspectives is more important than ever. Wirkn is excited to present an insightful two-minute video featuring eight Gen Y and Z candidates discussing their experiences navigating today’s job landscape.  This video, an outtake from a focus group conducted in July 2023, provides a unique window…

  • La première impression compte : Un impératif pour attirer et retenir les employés horaires

    Having processed millions of applications for hourly jobs, Wirkn has a unique understanding of the employment market that has led us to a crucial conclusion: the candidate experience is paramount. It determines the quantity and quality of applicants and significantly influences their long-term engagement and retention in the workplace. The candidate experience is the “front…

  • Tirer parti de Wirkn pour le recrutement horaire : Notre expérience vue de l'intérieur

    In today’s labor market, the battle for talent has never been fiercer. As summer approaches, the scramble for hires, particularly among the younger demographic seeking internships, becomes increasingly competitive. We, at Wirkn, faced this same challenge as we sought to recruit our Summer 2023 team of brand ambassadors. And so, we turned to our own…

  • La nouvelle version améliorée de Wirkn accélère l'embauche de main d’œuvre de première ligne

    Wirkn doubles down on thesis that all hourly hiring is truly local and mobile-first Hourly recruitment is vastly different from corporate hiring: It is more decentralized, informal, local, seasonal, and transactional. Wirkn’s latest 3.0 release builds upon these differences to accelerate and improve retail, restaurant, mall, hospitality, and franchise hiring right in your neighborhood. Making…

  • Wirkn lance une application mobile compagnon pour tous les responsables d'embauche

    Wirkn for Employers is available for download now! Wirkn, the leading mobile-first hiring platform, announced today the launch of its new Mobile Companion app for hiring managers. The app is designed to streamline the hiring process and make it easier for managers to find, interview and hire candidates directly from their mobile device. With the…

  • Nouvelle équipe de direction, nouveau financement et nouvelle vision pour la plateforme de recrutement Wirkn

    Montreal-based Wirkn specializes in recruiting high-volume frontline workers Wirkn has found that high-volume employers want less of a marketplace and more of a dedicated SaaS solution that optimizes, personalizes, and streamlines hiring experience for both candidates, and hiring managers. Providing increased productivity to the recruiting process is becoming more critical as companies are forced to…

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